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How to Use and Reset the Tour

Oomph CRM includes a built-in Tour feature that guides you through the platform’s functionality. Whether you’re new to Oomph CRM or need a refresher, the tour is designed to help you understand how everything works. It’s always available and can be reset or replayed whenever you need it.

How to Start a Tour

The tour is enabled by default when you log in for the first time. It will automatically guide you through the section of OomphCRM you’re visiting for the first time.

If you skip it or want to replay the tour, here’s how to access it manually:

Default Tour

  • The tour will begin automatically the first time you visit any section of OomphCRM.

Skip the Tour

  • You can skip the tour at any time by selecting “Skip Tour” from the Tour Pop-up, but we recommend completing it at least once to familiarise yourself with the platform.

How to Replay the Tour for the Current Page

If you’ve skipped the tour or want to see it again, you can easily replay the tour for the section you’re in.

Select the Play Button

  • From the top menu bar, click the Play Button (the tour icon).

Replay Current Tour

  • Select Replay Current Tour from the dropdown menu.
  • The tour will restart for the page you are currently on. For example, if you are on the dashboard, the dashboard tour will begin.

How to Reset All Tours

If you’d like to reset the tour feature for the entire OomphCRM system, follow these steps:

Select the Play Button

  • From the top menu bar, click the Play Button (tour icon).

Reset All Tours

  • Select Reset All Tours from the dropdown menu.
  • This will reset the tour for every page and section of OomphCRM, meaning the next time you visit any section, the tour will automatically play.

Congratulations! ⭐

You have now mastered using and resetting the tour in OomphCRM. Whether you need a refresher or skipped the tour earlier, you can always replay it or reset it at any time to get the help you need.