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How to Add a Sales Opportunity

We know how tricky it can be to get sales teams excited about entering data, so we’ve made sure that adding sales opportunities to OomphCRM is super simple. The platform is designed to help you track and forecast your sales, measure performance, and stay on top of leads—all in one place.

Here’s a quick and easy guide to adding a sales opportunity in Oomph CRM

1. Log into Oomph CRM

  • Head to your OomphCRM dashboard and sign in.

2. Find the Sales Opportunities Section

  1. In the left-hand menu, click on Sales and Marketing.
  2. Select Sales, then Opportunities.
  3. You’ll now see a table listing all your current opportunities.

3. Add a New Opportunity

  • Look to the top-right corner of the page and click Add New.

4. Fill in the Opportunity Details.

  • A form will pop up asking for information about your new sales opportunity. Just fill in the basics like:
    • Reference (What’s the name of this deal?)
    • Description (A quick rundown of the opportunity)
    • Estimated Value (How much is this deal worth?)
    • Expected Cost (How much will the deal cost us?)
    • Win Date (When do you expect to close this deal?)
    • Opportunity stage (Is it in early talks, proposal stage, negotiation, etc.?)
    • Win Probability of Success (How likely is this deal to close?)
    • Related Customer (Link the customer to this opportunity)


Don’t forget to select the related customer! If the customer isn’t in the system yet, you’ll need to create the customer first.

5. Save Your Opportunity

  • Once everything looks good, hit Save and you’re all set! Your new sales opportunity is now in Oomph CRM.

6. Customise Opportunities (Optional)

  • If you want to personalise how you track your sales, you can go to Sales and Marketing > Sales > Opportunities Setup.
  • Here, you can create custom fields, set sales stages (like "Contacted" or "In Progress"), and assign specific percentages to each stage of your sales process.


Remember to add the customer first! Every opportunity needs to be linked to a customer, so if they’re not in Oomph CRM yet, go ahead and add them here.

Congratulations! ⭐

You’ve just added a sales opportunity to Oomph CRM, nice and easy, right? Keeping your opportunities updated will give you the insights you need to track your progress and close deals more effectively. Keep up the good work!